Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Artist Showcase: Arres

Hi friends! Today we have another interview, this time with a fellow portuguese producer, Arres!

I am deeply proud. Seriously, I am. I'm proud because there's good electronic made in Portugal. I'm not talking about bangers, although there are many Portuguese producers who know how to do them. I'm talking about tasteful, smooth music that you can present to anyone and they'll surely love it. You don't have to be a producer to appreciate it, but as one, I know how hard it is to find this kind of harmony between sounds. Arres makes it sound like all his instruments are samples are soul mates. They just belong together. It takes talent to do that. Real talent.  

Brix'd - How did you come up with your name?
Arres - My name is simply the reverse of my last name (Serra).

When did you start producing and how bad was your first song?
I started producing in 2003, and my first song was some very bad techno.

What’s the weirdest song you have ever done?
Oh, I think that is a hard question to answer, i have a lot of tracks where i try to mix different genres but maybe im gonna go with this one "divisão do prazer. 
Have you ever been high while producing? Were you enlightened?
Yes, and yes.

What do you seriously hate the most on the production process?
Maybe its the finalization (equalize, compressing, rendering), when you get stuck in that part you may feel something around hate, but its the best part too if everything went well, so its a love/ hate process.

What’s your record for hours spent producing in a row?
I don´t know for sure, but i think its something around 6 or 7 hours, but that happens rarely, usually i try to make pauses of hours or even days, so i don´t get "hypnotized" with the repetitions and start to feel the song annoying.

What song makes you climb walls and scream like Tarzan?
That depends on the spirit of the moment, it would be unfair to choose one, when i have so many influences, but suddenly im going to choose Radiohead´s idioteque has one of those many influences

What’s your favorite sample ever?
I really dont know, i used a lot of samples, i think it depends of the harmony i wanna put in the track, each track asks for the favourite sample.

What do you use to create music? What is your favorite tool?
Ableton Live, the tool i use the most is Simpler.

Do you drink, eat, smoke or inhale something to inspire you? What gets you going?
No i dont do any of those to get inspired, but it happens sometimes without the intention.

What new artists do you recommend to our readers?
There is good things going on, but im gonna say this one "simple / easysimple ".

Now for the songs. Let the tunes flow, kick back and relax.

I've only put 3 here, but Arres has many more. Be sure to visit his soundcloud page and listen to his other songs, they're worth it.


Like I said before, I'm proud, proud that producers at this level exist in Portugal. Congratulations Arres. You deserve it.

SoulBrix out

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