Saturday, March 2, 2013

First post and Artist Showcase: SoulBrix

Hi guys! I'm SoulBrix, and welcome to Brix'd, a blog to showcase new artists from the electronic music genre, provide the latest news, and present some cool and random stuff!

For the first post, and as a sort of introduction, what better way than answering the same 11 questions I'll be asking artists in the Artist Showcases?

Let's go then!

I'm SoulBrix, a portuguese electronic music producer. I started producing in 2010, influenced by the fresh sound of the french duo Justice. They are still my main inspiration today.
I don't have a specific genre, it kinda depends on where the song takes me. I'm in no way a professional producer, but I like what I do, and I do what I like. Unfortunaly, I cannot spend as much time as I'd like doing it, but that's life. The intro is done, so let's get to the questions:

Brix'd - How did you come up with your name?
SoulBrix - Well, one day I was talking to a great friend of mine about a possible artist name for me. We weren't being serious at all but, among many other strange and stupid names, one came up that was somewhat cool. It was a mix between a word play with my real name and the expression "Bricks will be sh@t". SoulBrix. I thought to myself, why not? AND BAM. SoulBrix was born.

What was your first song? Can we hear it?
I had to go to my vault for this one. I'm not sure if this qualifies as a song, but the first...thing I made using PC software was this (audio volume alert):

Ahum...not that good, right?

How long have you been producing music?
2010, but I started messing around with music software like 6 months before that.

What’s the weirdest song you have ever done?
I once did a kind of Hip Hop instrumental that involved Rianna's Under my Umbrella acapella dropped a few octaves and really reverbed. It had a weird feeling, and I haven't finished it yet. Here's the song:

Have you ever been high while producing? Were you enlightened?
High on enthusiasm, with many many many ideas rushing in at the same time. I get so "stoned" that I can't sleep because of the new ideas I keep having. It's like a curse xD.

What do you seriously hate the most on the production process?
Knowing that you're gonna have time to produce, hyping that up all day long, coming home to do it and nothing good comes out of it. It's so frustrating.

What’s your record for hours spent producing in a row?
Like 6 hours straight, with no stops. Coke and chocolates make you go a long way xD.

What song makes you climb walls and scream like Tarzan?
Justice's Phantom Part II. It still gives me goosebumps, It's just so boss.

What’s your favorite sample ever?
Honestly, anything Daft Punk used to created their songs xD.

What do you use to create music? What is your favorite tool?
Ableton is a very good friend of mine, taught me everything I know. And I LOVE everything that makes distortion. Distortion is my drug, and I live for it, and I can't have enough of it xD.

Do you drink, eat, smoke or inhale something to inspire you? What gets you going?
I drink coke to get the ideas coming, but what really gets me going is hearing something that I can sample. I love when that happens!

What new artists do you recommend to our readers?
Avalanche. He's gonna be the next king of french electro. Trust me.

Now that you have an idea of who I am, here's a few songs that I made. Check them out and if you like them, download them!

Did you like this? Check out more freebies on my Soundcloud page and like my Facebook page!


There we go, introduction made. Stick around to hear new music and know new artists!

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